Demonstration in operational environment and recommendations at TRL7
Lead beneficiary: TSINGHUA
Other contributors: SINTEF Energy Research, IFPEN , SINTEF Industry, TOTAL, DONGFANG
Work package title: Demonstration in operational environment and recommendations at TRL7
Start month: 7 (April 2018)
End month: 60 (September 2022)
- To integrate WP2-WP5 into a 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype, providing a platform to demonstrate critical CLC technologies, including fuel reactor, carbon stripper, solid feed system, oxygen polishing unit, etc.
- To define interface and specificities at the demonstration site
- Technological and economic evaluation of the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype
- To build and conduct operations of the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype
- To carry out specific test campaigns with the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype
- To analyse results and provide recommendations for future scale-up
- To render possible production of oxygen carriers in sizeable batches (3-5 tonne) for demonstration
Description of work:
The prototype testing will be organised, prepared, carried out and duly reported. Basis will be a 3MWth CLC reactor system that will be partially integrated (compliant to TRL5 and TRL6) and fully integrated into a system prototype (compliant to TRL7). This work package organises the construction work at the test site including the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype demonstrator designed in Work Package 4, carries out the auto-thermal operations and test campaigns of the CLC-CCS system, and obtains critical technologies of CLC including fuel reactor, carbon stripper, solid feed system, oxygen polishing unit, etc. The following steps apply:
- Interface definition and specificities at test site; this will be clarified prior to project start-up, and will be discussed among all CHEERS partners to be finally decided at Launch event.
- Organise the construction design and equipment manufacturing and purchase of 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype.
- Build and operate the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype, for different purposes of test campaigns.
- Demonstrate and gain knowledge by detailed analysis of the test data from the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype to identify critical parts of the technology.
- Gain experience for future scale-up of the CLC technology to commercial size.

Knowledge-sharing, communication and dissemination
Lead beneficiary: BELLONA
Other contributors: SINTEF Energy Research, TSINGHUA
Work package title: Knowledge-sharing, communication and dissemination
Start month: 1 (October 2017)
End month: 60 (September 2022)
- To share relevant knowledge regarding experience and policy issues among the partners
- To promote results to be duplicated in other industries and countries, and communicate why such duplication makes the project relevant for decarbonisation and creating/retaining employment across the economy, i.e. far beyond the project scope
- To facilitate communication within the consortium and with other relevant EU and Chinese networks
Description of work:
The purpose is to provide a virtual service centre for the project to ensure efficient and proper knowledge-sharing and handling of communication and dissemination activities. These activities will be planned and aligned with the Coordinator (and the Project Management, as described in Work Package 1). The intention is to facilitate and stimulate innovation, ensure trust and dedication, and increase the awareness of CCS and CO2 capture techniques and their intended and potential suitability, as well as their relevance for overall deep decarbonisation of the global economy and for employment. Intentionally, these actions will pave the ground for the industrial uptake of CCS via retrofits in petroleum refineries, in the emission-intensive industrial sector, and in other energy-intensive industry.

Integrated assessment for industrial scale-up
Lead beneficiary: IFPEN
Other contributors: SINTEF Energy Research, TSINGHUA, TOTAL, DONGFANG
Work package title: Integrated assessment for industrial scale-up
Start month: 13 (November 2018)
End month: 57 (June 2022)
- To develop a process model for prediction of full-scale CLC reactor system performance
- To carry out the required system level process simulation, including purification of unconverted fuel
and unburnt CO and H2 - To undertake techno-economic studies of an industrial CLC-CCS unit, including integration with CO2 transport systems
Description of work:
CHEERS employs a multi-scale approach to modelling the CLC reactor system. The integrated assessment includes modelling the reactor from process unit level, through the plant, site and network levels based on the molecular and fluid phase modelling performed in WP3. The integrated assessment refers to the integration of the multi-scale process models and the economic models to perform a consistent techno-economic assessment.

Process integration and system prototype design
Lead beneficiary: TOTAL
Other contributors: IFPEN , TSINGHUA, DONGFANG
Work package title: Process integration and system prototype design
Start month: 6 (March 2018)
End month: 27 (December 2019)
- To ensure optimal integration of the CLC reactor system with the heat recovery steam generation unit, cooler condenser, compression and purification, and to define the interface with external systems
- To carry out the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and detail engineering for the fuel reactor
- To study the feasibility of possible options for flue gas treatment including DeSOx, DeNOx, and oxygen polishing
- To undertake the procurement of the fuel reactor and the remaining components of the system prototype
Description of work:
Process demonstration unit (PDU) takes into consideration all essential parts of an industrial unit in terms of design, construction and operation. In addition, it permits appropriate process integration studies for industrial scale. This work package takes into consideration the strategies proposed for development of the process from TRL5 to TRL7. The design of the system will consider all the necessary sections for TRL7 including CLC plant, feeding, boiler section and flue gas treatment. The flue gas treatment of the pilot plant will be based on the regional environmental regulation of demonstration units.
The flue gas treatment section for industrial units will be demonstrated separately. The technologies employed will be based on the available existing technologies (TRL9 or commercial). The required modifications of these systems will be carried out with the help of a subcontractor. The modifications will be demonstrated at a scale sufficient for industrial extrapolation, based on the existing know-how of the treatment technologies.
The process integration section will take into account the requirements of the refining site and the design specifications for critical sections, such as heat exchanger and boiler design, solid flow rate control, etc. A critical aspect of this work is to ensure the compatibility of different design sections between the fuel reactor and the rest of the unit, delivered by two separate engineering companies.

Oxygen carriers and characterisation of fuel phenomena
Lead beneficiary: SINTEF Energy Research
Other contributors: IFPEN, SINTEF Industry, ZHEJIANG, SILESIAN
Work package title: Oxygen carriers and characterisation of fuel conversion phenomena
Start month: 1 (October 2017)
End month: 50 (November 2021)
- To ensure proper oxygen carriers for petcoke conversion by CLC technology
- To characterise oxygen carriers optimised for solid fuels with exceedingly high content of sulphur and
metals - To provide new knowledge on CLC via simulation of reactions and multi-flow phenomena
- To specify recipes for semi-industrial production of bespoke oxygen carriers (300 kg)
Description of work:
In CHEERS, the verification of oxygen carriers is an integrated activity which covers proven oxygen carriers, new local sources of supply (in Europe and China), and optimisation of fuel conversion. Oxygen carriers should be capable of sustaining the exceedingly high sulphur and metals contents associated with petcoke. Petcoke conversion is challenging due to low volatility, which makes petcoke less reactive than most solid fuels. The interaction between oxygen carriers and the petcoke gasification/burn-out is vital to the process efficacy. This interaction may also cause critical agglomeration and sulphur passivation.
Although some oxygen-carrier materials have already emerged, it is anticipated that bespoke oxygen carriers must be especially composed to ensure compatibility with petcoke. It is generally accepted that the lifetime of oxygen carriers is one of the most important characteristics. This generally means that candidate oxygen carriers should be inert to elements resulting from petcoke conversion. They must maintain a reasonably high reactivity and be insensitive to sulphur and metal-ions. Some oxygen-carrier materials even remove metal-ions, thus offering in-situ cleaning of combustibles. If these features can be combined, they may reduce process losses and cut costs associated with corrosion and cleaning. An inherent prerequisite is that absorbed metal-ions are prevented from clogging on the bed material. Testing of selected materials will be conducted under relevant conditions.

Development and design studies
Lead beneficiary: IFPEN
Other contributors: SINTER Energy Research, TSINGHUA, TOTAL, DONGFANG
Work package title: Development and design studies
Start month: 1 (October 2017)
End month: 12 (September 2018)
- To provide the pre-FEED for the complete 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype aimed at
demonstration - To establish the basis of design for the whole study
- To develop a reactor model for the designing and scale-up of CLC reactors to industrial size
- To design a 3MWth CLC reactor system for demonstration (via TRL5, TRL6 to TRL7)
- To optimise the process via simulation
Description of work:
A pre-FEED consists in a conceptual design package including all necessary process information required for the engineering steps. FEED stands for Front-End Engineering Design. The work package provides the detail design of the chemical looping part of the demonstrator and all the data required for the engineering study (Work Package 4). A first step will be to establish a common basis of design assuming that the site location has been identified and known, and finally decided at project start-up.
The second step will be to develop a reactor model for the scale-up to 3MWth (compliant to TRL5,6,7) based on experimental data initially achieved at TRL4. Finally, the detail design of the chemical-looping reactors and the process study will be conducted in parallel to provide the pre-FEED of the demonstrator to Work Package 4.

Coordination and project management
Lead beneficiary: SINTEF Energy Research
Work package title: Coordination and project management
Start month: 1 (October 2017)
End month: 60 (September 2022)
- To secure compliance and fulfillment of the Grant Agreement with the European Commission
- To conduct the project in accordance with the Consortium Agreement (Section 3.2, Consortium
Agreement) - To ensure adequate execution of the overall project, including progress management and reporting
work and role of partners
Description of work:
Proper execution of the project will be accomplished through the monitoring of the work progress, and (if required) via decisions on changes relating to the scope of work, deliverables, budget allocations, strategic assessments and emerging opportunities. Public relations and specific dissemination actions are also seen as managerial actions, beyond the scope of the dedicated Work Package 7 (Knowledge-sharing, communication and dissemination).