About Us
SINTEF Energy Research is an independent Norwegian research institute affiliated under the SINTEF Foundation, which is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia with more than 2000 employees. Its main office and main activities are located in Trondheim, Norway, sharing facilities with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). SINTEF Energy Research has a staff of 240 persons, and had in 2016 an annual turnover of NOK 439 million. SINTEF Energy Research is focusing on electrical and thermal energy throughout the whole chain from sources via transport, power generation, transmission, conversion techniques, distribution and end-use. During the last twenty years SINTEF Energy Research has built up a large competence and experience and project basis within CO2 capture and transport, and has been the coordinator of several large integrated projects in the field of CCS under the European Framework Programmes.
Role in CHEERS
The main roles of SINTEF Energy Research will be to act as coordinator of the project, and as work package leader of WP1 “Coordination and project management” and WP3 “Oxygen carriers and characterisation of fuel conversion phenomena”. In addition, SINTEF Energy Research has a major role in WP5 “Integrated assessment for industrial scale-up” and will support Bellona within WP7 “Knowledge-sharing, communication and dissemination”.
WP1 – Coordination and project management
Proper execution of the project will be accomplished through the monitoring of the work progress, and (if required) via decisions on changes relating to the scope of work, deliverables, budget allocations, strategic assessments and emerging opportunities. Public relations and specific dissemination actions are also seen as managerial actions, beyond the scope of the dedicated Work Package 7 (Knowledge-sharing, communication and dissemination). The current Work Package will produce two deliverables (D1.2 to be updated twice), and no publication is planned for.
Objectives of WP1:
- To secure compliance and fulfilment of the Grant Agreement with the European Commission
- To conduct the project in accordance with the Consortium Agreement (Section 3.2,
Consortium Agreement) - To ensure adequate execution of the overall project, including progress management and
WP 3 – Oxygen carriers and characterisation of fuel conversion phenomena
SINTEF Energy Research is the leader of WP3 and shall ensure that the work package follows the plan and will be able to meet its main objective, which is to ensure proper oxygen carriers for petcoke conversion by CLC technology. The work package involves contributions from several partners and will involve selection of candidate materials, materials production, testing and validation at both laboratory and pilot scale, and detailed studies of petcoke conversion phenomena in CLC. The research activity of SINTEF Energy Research in WP3 will be on the pilot testing of oxygen carrier materials in a 150kWth CLC unit (see picture) and on detailed numerical studies of petcoke conversion.
WP5 – Integrated assessment for industrial scale-up
In WP5 SINTEF Energy Research will lead the task on the economic evaluation of the CLC-CCS deployment and infrastructure development based on business model from industrial partners for a CCS chain from refinery and industries. Additionally, SINTEF Energy Research will support IFPEN in the modelling of the CLC reactor unit with a focus on performance modelling of oxygen carriers and intends to predict the performances of a CLC unit at industrial scale. This CLC reactor model will be integrated in a process simulation model for the application of CLC in a refinery, including CO2 processing unit, and SINTEF Energy Research will be responsible for benchmarking the CLC-CCS against a reference solvent based CO2 capture plant using generic MEA.