How to design the flow inside a CLC installation

The CHEERS project continues its design and verification work based on the cold flow rig described in a previous post. In this newly produced video of the cold flow rig, more detail and description are provided on the subsystems and components involved.

A very important intermediate step is to build a visualization rig that looks very much like a working CLC plant, but does not use fuel. Instead, it circulates the particles used to transfer oxygen to the fuel in a nitrogen-free environment.

The cold flow rig (sometimes called a cold flow mock-up) was designed, built and installed by our CHEERS partners in Europe and China. This video highlights the special design details implemented on the cold flow rig for European design specifications.

If you are interested in the technical details behind this, then you can read our CHEERS researchers recently submitted article to the peer-reviewed journal Energy&Fuels. This article has been accepted for publication after final formatting for the printed version of the journal.

But if you would simply like to watch the new video with more complete description of the cold flow rig in action, here it comes.

Special thanks goes to our CHEERS project partner IFP Energies nouvelles for producing and editing this new video.

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