Accepted: members of CHEERS to present at international conferences
We are excited to announce that a number of abstracts submitted have been accepted for presentation at international conferences: the 5th International Conference on Chemical Looping (ICCL) which will be held 24-27th September in Park City, Utah, USA, and the 6th International Conference on CO2 Emission Control and Utilization (ICCU) which will be held 15-18th June in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China.
The ICCL is a premier international conference on chemical looping which has occurred every two years since 2010 when it was first held in Lyon, France. This year, the ICCL will meet between 24-27th September in Park City, Utah where the latest knowledge and results on oxygen/carbon carrier materials, reactor concepts, potential applications and emission controls will be presented.
Two abstracts from SINTEF, a member of the CHEERS project consortium have been accepted for presentation. The first, by Nils Erland Haugen (SINTEF) is a poster presentation on The CHEERS project: building a 3MW CLC-CCS system prototype plant for pet-coke, while the other is an oral presentation by Øyvind Langørgen (SINTEF) titled Chemical Looping Combustion of Biomass Pellets in a 150 kWth CLC Reactor.
In addition, four (4) abstracts from the Tsinghua University have been accepted for presentations at the ICCL. This includes:
(1) Oral presentation by Lei Liu from Tsinghua, titled The melting characteristics of ilmenites and manganese ores in chemical looping combustion.
(2) Oral presentation by Mao Cheng from Tsinghua, titled Coal-fired chemical-looping combustion coupled with a high efficient annular carbon stripper.
(3) Oral presentation by Ye Li from Tsinghua, titled Reaction kinetics analysis of char under conditions chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling.
(4) Oral presentation by Hu Chen from Tsinghua, titled Heat balance analysis of a 3 MWth pilot plant for CLC demonstration.
Two oral presentations will also be given at the 5th ICCL by members from IFPEN and TOTAL. Whereas Florent Guillou (IFPEN) will present on the CHEERS pilot plant, an original design dedicated to CLC efficiency, Airy Tilland (IFPEN) will present on Modelling and experimental study of a petcoke conversion with an oxygen carrier in a batch fluidized bed.
One abstract was also accepted for presentation at the 6th International Conference on CO2 Emission Control and Utilization (ICCU) which will be held 15-18th June in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China. The conference will gather lead researchers, engineers and officials interested in CO2 emission control issues to give presentations on variety of technology and policy-related topics. An oral presentation will be given by Zhenshan Li from Tsinghua University, titled CHEERS Project: Demonstration of CLC Technology in Semi-Industrial Scale via a Chinese – European Collaboration.
Following the completion of the presentations, these will be uploaded on to the CHEERS project website as part of knowledge dissemination.