Work Package 2

Development and design studies

Lead beneficiary: IFPEN
Other contributors: SINTER Energy Research, TSINGHUA, TOTAL, DONGFANG
Work package title: Development and design studies
Start month: 1 (October 2017)
End month: 12 (September 2018)


  • To provide the pre-FEED for the complete 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype aimed at
  • To establish the basis of design for the whole study
  • To develop a reactor model for the designing and scale-up of CLC reactors to industrial size
  • To design a 3MWth CLC reactor system for demonstration (via TRL5, TRL6 to TRL7)
  • To optimise the process via simulation

Description of work:

A pre-FEED consists in a conceptual design package including all necessary process information required for the engineering steps. FEED stands for Front-End Engineering Design. The work package provides the detail design of the chemical looping part of the demonstrator and all the data required for the engineering study (Work Package 4). A first step will be to establish a common basis of design assuming that the site location has been identified and known, and finally decided at project start-up.

The second step will be to develop a reactor model for the scale-up to 3MWth (compliant to TRL5,6,7) based on experimental data initially achieved at TRL4. Finally, the detail design of the chemical-looping reactors and the process study will be conducted in parallel to provide the pre-FEED of the demonstrator to Work Package 4.