Work Package 6

Demonstration in operational environment and recommendations at TRL7

Lead beneficiary: TSINGHUA
Other contributors: SINTEF Energy Research, IFPEN , SINTEF Industry, TOTAL, DONGFANG
Work package title: Demonstration in operational environment and recommendations at TRL7
Start month: 7 (April 2018)
End month: 60 (September 2022)


  • To integrate WP2-WP5 into a 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype, providing a platform to demonstrate critical CLC technologies, including fuel reactor, carbon stripper, solid feed system, oxygen polishing unit, etc.
  • To define interface and specificities at the demonstration site
  • Technological and economic evaluation of the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype
  • To build and conduct operations of the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype
  • To carry out specific test campaigns with the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype
  • To analyse results and provide recommendations for future scale-up
  • To render possible production of oxygen carriers in sizeable batches (3-5 tonne) for demonstration

Description of work:

The prototype testing will be organised, prepared, carried out and duly reported. Basis will be a 3MWth CLC reactor system that will be partially integrated (compliant to TRL5 and TRL6) and fully integrated into a system prototype (compliant to TRL7). This work package organises the construction work at the test site including the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype demonstrator designed in Work Package 4, carries out the auto-thermal operations and test campaigns of the CLC-CCS system, and obtains critical technologies of CLC including fuel reactor, carbon stripper, solid feed system, oxygen polishing unit, etc. The following steps apply:

  • Interface definition and specificities at test site; this will be clarified prior to project start-up, and will be discussed among all CHEERS partners to be finally decided at Launch event.
  • Organise the construction design and equipment manufacturing and purchase of 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype.
  • Build and operate the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype, for different purposes of test campaigns.
  • Demonstrate and gain knowledge by detailed analysis of the test data from the 3MWth CLC-CCS system prototype to identify critical parts of the technology.
  • Gain experience for future scale-up of the CLC technology to commercial size.