The Chinese European Emissions-Reducing Solutions project is drawing to a close. The six year Sino-European collaboration has brought together multiple project partners with a goal of improving the efficacy of CO2 capture in industry. Funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program as well as the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, under European Horizon 2020 work programme 2016-2017, 10. ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’, the CHEERS project brought together a variety of actors: Bellona Europa, DONGFANG Boiler Group, IFPEN, Silesian, SINTEF Energy Research, SINTEF Industry, TotalEnergies, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University.
The project looked at an alternative to conventional amine based CO2 capture by maturing chemical looping technology which was prior tested and verified on a laboratory scale. CHEERS looked at building a demonstration unit at scale; from 150 kW thermal in laboratories to an operational scale of 3 MW thermal. After a multitude of research outputs and learnings, the finished demo unit in Deyang, China has entered its start-up phase.
A key milestone in verifying operational characteristics of the core technology at scale, CHEERS hosts all the project partners at the inauguration event of the pilot plant in Deyang, China. Our project partners look forward to sharing more information from discussions and results from the 19th – 20nd of September as the project partners convene to take the final steps towards realising much needed research to vital decarbonisation technologies.